Thursday, April 3, 2014

Snowy Morning on Missionary Ridge

Skipper came to wake me up about 6:30 this morning.  I was kind of awake already, so thought some coffee sounded good.  I walked to the sliding doors, drew back the curtains and was amazed at the sight before my eyes.  A new snowfall of about 1-2 inches lay on the ground and the beauty was….well, it just was!  It was actually still snowing lightly and I imagined that there will be some pretty incredible views from up the valley and I did not want to miss the opportunity to enjoy the beauty!

            So, I dressed hurriedly and set out with Skipper up the “Million Dollar Highway” as route 550 is called and turned east on to County Road 250.  It had clouded up significantly and it was snowing quite hard by this time.  I was comforted in knowing that I am an experienced driver with lots of snow experience and I’m driving an all-wheel drive Subaru. 

            Skipper and I traveled up the road to where it was closed off, apparently not passable in  winter months.  We were on Missionary Ridge and the experience was spiritual.  The Animas Valley (did you know animas is the Spanish word for soul?). lay before me.  Wisps of clouds moved in and around the mountains on both sides of the valley.  The valley lay flat and organized quite some way below me.  I simply stood in awe of the beauty.
Nobody else up here

Animas Valley to north
Animas Valley west

Valley to the south

            As I worked my way back home, I crossed Hermosa Creek (did you know hermosa in Spanish means “beautiful”) and took the picture posted here.

Hermosa "Beautiful" Creek

            What an absolutely amazing way to begin a day!!


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